

Saturday 28 March 2020

Here are the Top 10 Tips for Hair Regrowth

Proper hair care is essential for ensuring a gorgeous mane. While you may be using the best quality shampoo and conditioner, following the Top 10 Tips for Hair Regrowth will help you combat the issue of thinning hair as your air will regrow and cover those nasty thinning spots.

Here they are:

1. Apply aloe vera gel to your hair every day. It soothes the skin of the scalp and also acts like a hair conditioner. If pure aloe vera is not doable, use products that contain it.
2. Omega fatty acids are excellent for hair regrowth. They contain several proteins and nutrients that are superb for hair and body health. Take omega supplements daily and see ample enhancement in your hair’s density and diameter.
3. Massage your hair. It makes the blood circulation better and ensures stimulation of the cells. You should use a good natural oil and massage your scalp at least twice or thrice a week.
4. Yogurt is amazing when it comes to hair and body health. Chock-full of probiotics, yoghurt prevents hair damage and helps in hair growth.
5. You can apply onion juice to your hair as it contains phytochemical compounds that aid hair regrowth.
6. Green tea is not just good for the body, it is great for hair too. It contain bioactive compounds that lead to a reduction in hair loss. Just take 1-2 cups daily and see your hair grow!
7. Not just green tea, coffee too is superb for hair. It promotes elongation of the hair shaft and stimulates hair growth.
8. Change your diet. Consume leafy green veggies and cut out junk food.
9. Add nuts and seeds to your food. They add taste and texture and their nutrients help in hair regrowth.
10. Use good quality hair products, such as a female hair loss treatment shampoo if you are facing hair fall issues.

Visit Hairlossly for advice and tips on hair care!


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